Selasa, 28 Januari 2014

Easy Ways to Fight Global Warming

Global Warming , it may be a lot of people who know whether it's global warming , or better known to the world as the " Global Warming " , yeah global warming is increasing the average temperature of the atmosphere , ocean , and land earth . Rising temperatures will lead to changes - other changes such as extreme weather and raise sea levels . when the earth is getting warmer then it is possible north and south poles will melt and sea levels higher. Other consequences arising from global warming itself is during the day when we feel the excess heat when you are outdoors , agricultural output , loss of glaciers and various types of animals .

Many people are wondering if the cause of global warming and how to solve it ? Well of course we can not just stand idly by and just wait for help from the government because of global warming include all living beings on earth .

causes of global warming

Energy consumption of fossil fuels , the industry is the biggest contributor to carbon emissions , transportasimenempati second , the energy consumption of fossil fuel energy consuming as much as 70 % of total energy consumption , followed by electricity which occupies the second position takes up 10 % of total energy consumption , while Indonesia 's own emit greenhouse gases amounted to 24.84 % of the total greenhouse gas emissions , agriculture and animal husbandry in fact also contributed to the increase in greenhouse emissions through flooded rice fields that produce methane gas , fertilizer use and agricultural practices , plant debris burning and the decaying remnants of the agricultural sector greenhouse gas produced is 8:05 % of the total greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere so the amount of greenhouse gases discharged into the atmosphere from this sector relates to the amount of consumption of the population of each country

How to reduce global warming

1 . planting a tree

Take advantage of the land - vacant land around your house or in your neighborhood by planting of trees to reforest areas of your home , if you do not have an extensive yard you can also grow ornamental plants and other plants put in small pots , just imagine if all the trees planted on the land is the oxygen demand will gradually fulfilled , replanting deforested can also reduce the effects of global warming , by replanting the denuded forest conversion will restore the forest as it should .

2 . using Bicycles

Cycling was the one when I want to go out of the house as to market , school , work , and others - others with cycling , then you can save fuel consumption for each vehicle that is fuel oil will issue a C02 exhaust gas and CO gas when large amounts may cause effects of greenhouse gases .

3 . Save Electricity

Saving electricity here is turn off during the day when the lights are not necessary , unplug your laptop cash hp and when it is full , etc. , it is intended to reduce global warming because in Indonesia itself is still a lot of coal-fired power plants .

4 . Fentilasi enough

If you want to build a house or building try to give enough fentilasi it aims to let light in when during the day , it is the goal to reduce electrical energy during the day .

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