Jumat, 15 November 2013


Making compost from waste or household garbage is an attempt to reduce the amounts of waste that can pollute the environment . The technology is applied to make it very easy, by using a tool that can speed up the process of decomposition of organic materials and utilize the activities and role of microbial decomposers , so it can produce a useful end product . Thus , waste management efforts into something far more powerful can be realized .
MAKING ORGANIC FERTILIZER ( COMPOST ) CAIREveryone does not want to stay in a place that a lot of garbage , because the pungent smell of garbage makes us not feel disturbed . Moreover, if public awareness to reduce waste production is still very low . Of course this requires a serious management and coaching .
Very high waste production is a necessity due to the consumption patterns tend to choose products that generate waste . At the same time followed by sitem offers packaged goods , so the potential to cause garbage . The absence of public awareness to make the separation between the organic and inorganic waste makes waste management experienced a significant obstacle . Very rarely do people who use different bins to separate organic and inorganic waste .
Waste management can not just hang the role of government , but also takes community participation . Public awareness of the importance of this garbage should start pengololaan grown . Begins with awareness to separate organic and inorganic waste , so as to reduce the impact of waste on the environment contamination . In addition to reducing the risk of environmental pollution , waste management also aims to mengasilkan something far more powerful . Inorganic rubbish can be managed with sehingg recycling technology can produce a variety of useful items . Meanwhile , wet waste or organic waste can be managed and utilized as fertilizer , bioethanol , biogas , and biodiesel .
 MAKING ORGANIC FERTILIZER ( COMPOST ) LIQUID WASTE OF HOUSEHOLDMaking compost from waste or household garbage is an attempt to reduce the amounts of waste that can pollute the environment . The technology is applied to make it very easy, by using a tool that can speed up the process of decomposition of organic materials and utilize the activities and role of microbial decomposers , so it can produce a useful end product . Thus , waste management efforts into something far more powerful can be realized .
MAKING ORGANIC FERTILIZER ( COMPOST ) CAIREveryone does not want to stay in a place that a lot of garbage , because the pungent smell of garbage makes us not feel disturbed . Moreover, if public awareness to reduce waste production is still very low . Of course this requires a serious management and coaching .
Very high waste production is a necessity due to consumption patterns that tend to memiliUntuk manage household waste into organic fertilizer , then this article will describe how a simple technology which can be applied by society . Especially regarding waste management techniques or household waste into compost liquid .
Equipment Needed to Make Liquid CompostThe main equipment to make compost dibuthkan find the basic ingredients of household garbage or waste is often referred to as a composter . Compost is a place where the process of decomposition is usually made of plastic garbage cans or cement boxes that have been modified in such a way and can be placed both inside and outside the room . If the composter is placed in the room , the air holes are made should be connected to the pipe leading to the outside , so that the odor generated during the decomposition process does not spread into the room .
Composter as a place to make the process of decomposition of organic materials are incorporated into it , with the help of microbes compost activator or often referred to as microbial decomposers , can transform waste or household waste into compost in just 10-12 days . Microbial decomposers are sold in the market , with a variety of brands , both in the form of yeast , bacteria , and fungi .Composter made ​​with the installation of air comes in it will speed up the process of decomposition of waste or organic waste with a process that is done in aerobic decomposition . Installation of air in the composter in addition to functioning as a supplier of oxygen , it also serves as a regulator of humidity and temperature in the composter , so the microbial activity of decomposers that put it to work properly . With the decomposition technique using the composter , the process of making waste leachate or water can be done easily , because composter designed to be split between the compost and liquid compost . How to make a composter that can serve as a container composting ? Here we describe the simple steps pembuatn composter .
Compost Making Equipment And BahamRelated Articles :Fertilizers and FertilizationGrowth hormone ( PGR )Soil pHNutrient DeficiencyOrganic fertilizerGreen manureGreen Fertilizer Application MethodGreen manure as Land CoverAs Fertilizer Tree Protector GreenKnow the Microbial FertilizerEffect of pH decline Activity Against Agricultural LandRole of Rhizobium Bacteria In Organic FarmingAzolla Benefits In Organic FarmingAgainst Soil pH influence solubility Nutrient LevelsHow to Create a Solid Organic Fertilizer

Used plastic barrels 20 liter size , 1 piece
PVC pipe with a length of 13 cm diameteri 1 inch , 2 pieces
PVC pipe with a length of 10 cm diameteri 1 inch , 1 piece
PVC pipe with a length of 9 cm diameteri 1 inch , 1 piece
T -shaped pipe joints , 1 piece
L -shaped pipe joints , 1 piece
Plastic faucet , 1 piece
Plastic netting >
PVC glue
Pipe cutters , could use a chainsaw >
Measuring 1 inch iron pipe
How to Make Liquid Compost

Create two air holes using a heated iron pipe on the right and left plastic barrel , or on the opposite side , with a diameter adapted to the diameter of the pipe .
Make another hole , located approximately 10 cm below the first hole using a heated iron pipe . Diameter hole adapted to the pipe diameter , while the position of the hole can be located on the side of the two holes in the top .
Make small holes drilled in the body using the pipe size of 13 cm and 10 cm . Wrap small holes using a plastic gauze neatly .
The next step is the installation of the air inside the composter , began with two PVC pipes measuring 13 cm on the right and left holes plastic barrel . Both the pipe is inserted from the direction of the plastic barrel to about 3 cm out from the wall so that the plastic barrel length on the inside of the pipe about 10 cm .
Both ends of the pipe sticking out plasting tong covered with plastic netting . Way to provide closure at the end of the PVC pipe glue and stick the plastic mesh neatly .
Both pipes measuring 13 cm which is in the inner side of the plastic bag connected by a T-shaped pipe with one foot pipe down .
From the foot of the T -shaped pipe joints facing down those connected with the pipe measuring 10 cm .
Then at the bottom end of the pipe size of 10 cm is connected to the L -shaped pipe with one end of the L -shaped pipe joints overlooks the third hole .
Of the L -shaped pipe joints connected the pipe measuring 9 cm leads to the third hole , then connect the plastic from the outside faucet .
Thus making composter has been completed and ready for use . The technique can be applied to the manufacture of large capacity composter , stay the pipe size for the installation of air that is tailored to the needs .
h the products that generate waste . At the same time followed by sitem offers packaged goods , so the potential to cause garbage . The absence of public awareness to make the separation between the organic and inorganic waste makes waste management experienced a significant obstacle . Very rarely do people who use different bins to separate organic and inorganic waste .
Waste management can not just hang the role of government , but also takes community participation . Public awareness of the importance of this garbage should start pengololaan grown . Begins with awareness to separate organic and inorganic waste , so as to reduce the impact of waste on the environment contamination . In addition to reducing the risk of environmental pollution , waste management also aims to mengasilkan something far more powerful . Inorganic rubbish can be managed with sehingg recycling technology can produce a variety of useful items . Meanwhile , wet waste or organic waste can be managed and utilized as fertilizer , bioethanol , biogas , and biodiesel .
 Composting techniquesAs described above , the tools needed to make organic liquid fertilizer is a composter . Compost is a tool that can be used to treat all types of household organic waste into compost either in solid or liquid form . So all of the organic waste is classified as waste can be used as an ingredient , like the rest of the vegetables , fruits , food waste , kitchen waste , even organic waste from the garden .
All material is shredded or chopped up first so that the process is more rapid and complete decomposition . Besides that small pieces could maximize capacity or capacity composter . Prepare bio activator or microbial decomposers to help the decomposition process of organic materials , so that the decomposition process can take place more quickly . In order for microbial decomposers can work more optimally , you should add rice water and brown sugar to add to the energy microbial decomposers . Dissolve microbial decomposers with 1 liter of water . Concentration of the solution in accordance with the instructions printed on the product packaging are used microbial decomposers . Any trademarks have different references in the standard-setting solution . Put all ingredients into a composter that is prepared gradually while flushing solution microbial decomposers , thereby granting the activator can be evenly distributed throughout the material . After all materials included meetings and close the composter .
At the beginning of the new discharging composter can produce leachate or liquid compost within two weeks . Furthermore leachate collection can be done within 2-3 days as needed . Leachate water sampling was limited to the faucet , because the leachate under the faucet to let it go to help the decomposition process . The leachate already contains many microbial activators that can be used to make compost .
Taken leachate should be mixed again with microbial decomposers that more microbial content . Give microbial decomposers 10 ml per liter of water leachate . Let stand for 2-3 days , after which the liquid organic fertilizer ready to apply . The liquid organic fertilizer can be stored for 1-2 months .
After the initial composting process running , then waste or organic waste can be put into the composter every day . If the composter is full , then compost , organic fertilizer is a solid , which was in the composter can be taken in accordance with the amount of waste or organic waste that would be included .

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